Camp E-Star Blog

Thursday, June 27th, 2019

It’s Thursday evening and Camp and we are in the midst of the Camp crescendo.

Since I last wrote to you, so much has been accomplished. Before I get into the details, let me share at the outset: ALL IS GOOD! We have had fantastic weather (sunny days, minimal rain, gentle breeze and no lightning!). I’ve placed the fewest stiches in memory (only 1 kid, 3 stitches and none this week). Merit badges are being earned, friendships strengthened and lessons learned.

On Wednesday, we had our second try at the Mile Swim. Last week, we had to stop it early due to a distant lightning on the horizon, and only three finishers (Dad Schmidt, Gene Flynn and me). On Wednesday, we had a much better showing with impressive finishes by Dr Milstone, Charlie Edwards, Jeffrey Cournoyer, Patrick Hervy, Johnny Li, Isiah Leach, Grayson Kennedy, Stephen Windisch, Samuel Arneklev, Owen Scheihing, James Cozzens, Jacob Batho, Will Brady, Jackson Heather, Jacob Li, Charles Fergusson, Jonah Milstone and Reid Thomas. We were very impressed. All scout finishers will earn a special Mile Swim badge that will be presented at the Fall Court of Awards in September.

We also enjoyed the Eagle versus All-Star softball game. With the help of some top talent pulled from the patrols, the Eagles put on a strong showing, winning 8-0. They will go against the Dad Team (The Blakehurst Bombers) tonight, seeking to avenge their narrow defeat by the older generation last week 11-10.

The Patrol Competition came to a dramatic conclusion today: Delta had been in the lead, all camp long, due to its top performance on inspections and advancement. But Beta pulled ahead this morning by winning the Icosolon by a sliver - and due to their superior accuracy with the Funnelator final event. The Patrol Competition came down to the Patrol vs. Patrol contests this afternoon in archery and hatchet throwing. After archery, Beta and Gamma had an IDENTICAL total score. With a narrow margin, Gamma prevailed in hatchets to emerge as the Overall Patrol Champion! All competed with rigor and good sportsmanship. We are proud of them all. Gamma will enjoy lunch out tomorrow at Waterman’s to celebrate their victory.

In addition to the Patrol Competition, we had the individual Hatchet Throwing contest come to conclusion today. The June Madness bracket landed the final round to Alpha’s ASPL Callum McLean versus Eagle Charlie Edwards. With all of the scouts rooting for one or the other, Charlie pulled ahead to claim the 1st Annual Iron Hatchet Award.

The boys are finishing up merit badges and advancements tonight and on Friday. Also tonight is the voting for the Scouting Awards. The voting is by scouts alone, is private and is carefully monitored by Senior ASMs Flanigan & Schatz. Induction into the prestigious Order of the Arrow national honor society requires selection by 50% of all scouts voting. Also being chosen are the New Scout Awards, the Black Buffalo Award (he in the patrols who best lives out the Scouting Ideals) and the Top Scout (Epsilon member who best lives out the Scouting Ideals). The awardees will be recognized at the Order of the Arrow Ceremony, on Friday evening. Parents are welcome to attend the Ceremony. To do so, please arrive to the Castle by 8:30pm, be prepared to walk 1 mile over rough grass, and wear plenty of bug spray.

On Saturday morning, we will break down Camp. Most of the big items are stored in the Castle. We only bring a few items home. We definitely need parents to come and help. Help is needed with taking down the dock (bring a bathing suit), carrying objects to the Castle (bring work gloves), helping the boys pack up their possessions, and transporting items back to Baltimore. Please plan to start work at 7:30am and stick around until 10:30 before bringing your boy back to civilization. We really need all hands-on deck.

We are all so grateful to all of the saintly dads and ASMs who have so generously given their time and comfort to spend their time here in the woods with your sons. They are unquestionably doing a very good thing and are doing their part to build up the next generation with character and leadership. Thank you.

So, please pray for one more day and night of safety, progress and happiness. It has been a great camp - the best that I can remember. We all want to finish strong.


Before you leave on Saturday, please check out with me. I will return medicines and ask your son for feedback on Camp successes, challenges and opportunities for improvement.

Thank you - Charles

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
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