Glossary of Troop Terms

Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta: Our four Scout Patrols.

ASPL: Assistant Patrol Leader, the Senior Scout who leads one of our four Patrols. This important leadership position rotates each year.

ASM: Assistant Scoutmaster. Troop 35's male and female ASMs are listed on the back of the calendar. Several ASM's are assigned to each event and work with the boy leaders to make the event a success. Get acquainted with them by attending events.

Board of Review: The Advancement conference between the Scout and parents selected to serve on the Board to examine the Scout’s readiness for advancement (or achieving the different Scout ranks).

Blues: These are the BSA Blue cards a Scout completes for each Merit Badge (MB). Blank copies are in our Troop Room. Each Scout should get a Blue when he begins a MB. At summer camp, MB counselors will have Blues for the Scouts. It is the responsibility of each Scout to complete the Blue and get the required signatures. Once the MB is completed and the Blue is signed by the appropriate adult leaders, the Scout places the correct portion into the wooden box in the Troop Room. The process is critical! Without the right section of the Blue card, our parent volunteer in charge of Rank and Badges can’t log the badge completed into the BSA database! Keep your copy of the Blue section (one also goes to the MB counselor) in a plastic sleeve in your Troop 35 binder. You will need all documentation to earn Eagle Scout.

Candidate: A new Boy Scout

Convoke: Gathering of all campers during an overnighter, usually in the morning. From the Latin vocare “to call” and con “together.”

Court of Awards: the ceremony where Scouts receive rank and Merit Badges. Held in September, January (includes a Banquet) and June, the Court of Awards is a Scout-led ceremony that recognizes the advancement (rank) achievements and Merit Badges earned by our Scouts. These are great family events, especially when we have an Eagle Scout to celebrate! Scouts must attend to receive their rank and badges. Uniforms are required.

E-Star: Troop 35’s two-week waterfront summer camp, located on the Eliason property at Fairlee on the Chesapeake Bay, west of Chestertown, Md.

Epsilon: Summer Camp patrol for Eagles only.

Hi Level: Held from 2 to 4 PM most Saturday afternoons in the Church of Redeemer Troop Room (second floor, Charles St. door), when Scouts work on merit badges and rank. ASMs are there to guide and older Scouts work on Scout skills (knots, first aid) with younger Scouts.

JLD/JLT: Junior Leadership Development/Training. These events occur at special gatherings (usually Saturdays) at Church of the Redeemer and in a special overnight for Scouts above the rank of Frist Class. Scouts are invited by the adult leadership to participate. Required for Eagle rank.

JLQ: Junior Leadership Quarterly: Dinner for older Scouts, held three times a year, to discuss Troop plans, leadership roles and summer camp preparation.

MB: Merit Badge

OA: Order of the Arrow, the BSA honor recognizing Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. Read more here. LINK:

Omega Patrol: Scouts who are not yet finished First Class are in this patrol to work on advancement. You'll also have a "Big Brother,” an Eagle or Life Scout who will answer your questions and help.

OV of Overnighter: A two-night Troop 35 campout. Our “Cold OV” is our December campout at Camp Cone near Baltimore.

PL: Patrol Leader, a Scout who assists the ASPL, part of our progressive leadership program.

Quarterly Parent Convoke: quarterly parent meetings to discuss Troop events, ask questions and share ideas.

Scoutmasters’ Conference: Scouts and/or the Scoutmaster and ASMs convene to determine the Scout’s readiness to advance to higher rank, typically held during an OV.

Split OV: The Memorial Day family weekend OV help at Camp E-Star.

SPL: Senior Patrol Leader (Scout)

Superpatrol: A Friday Night program of Patrol-organized games/Scout skills.

Star Salutes: We start every meeting with Five, Six, and Seven Star Salutes:
a) Five Star: "The highest rank a man can achieve is the five-star general. Troop 35 represents this with the Scout Oath"
b) Six Star: “Above every man is his country. Troop 35 represents this with the Pledge of Allegiance.”
c) Seven Star: "Above every man and his country is God. Troop 35 represents this with the Lord's Prayer.”
d) Scout Law.

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved