Camp E-Star Blog

Monday, June 17th, 2019

Its Monday morning. All is well.

The scouts are getting into a steady routine. The Beta Patrol got up at 6:15 to prepare the Castle (pavilion) for breakfast. At 6:45, Jacob Batho toured the other patrols with his saxophone to gently waken the others. Breakfast, convoke, leadership meetings, preparation for patrol cleanliness inspections all followed in rapid succession before the start of the First Symposium.

The boys stay active in the morning and then enjoy a more relaxed pace on the waterfront in the afternoon. After dinner, we have sports on the ball field. On Saturday evening this involved each patrol honing their artillery skills by launching water balloons at the Epsilon (Eagle) Patrol using Funnelators, followed by a rough and tumble game of American Eagle. Last night was patrol softball for the kids and hatchet throwing for the dads (yes, we have an “official” hatchet throwing program). After evening sports, the boys take a “bath” in the Bay, get a tick-check and change into clean clothes (hopefully). Dessert, an occasional campfire program follow before “Silent Night” is called at 10:30.

Last night we had a storm come in as softball wrapped up. With the winds picking up, we instituted our Emergency Plan (which was practiced the night before). For the first time that anybody could remember, we later learned that a lightning strike had occurred at the edge of one of the patrols. No branches came down, but all could later see where the lightning hit the tree and stripped several feet of bark. Most thought it was “awesome” and “cool,” though a few were understandably a bit shaken. We talked through it, and all slept soundly. We’ll be taking down the tree today, just in case it was weakened.

Highlights have included great fun on the rumble raft, water trampoline and water blob. Several scouts have gotten up on water skis and most have been thrilled on the tube pulled by the jet skis. The boys are learning the expectations of being good leaders, good followers and good stewards of the environment, are learning outdoor skills and are making great friendships.

Another highlight was a welcome steak dinner on Saturday eve. We've been eating well. Our food is catered by Washington College. We get a nice variety covering all of the food groups. All are well fed. The scouts can satisfy their sweet tooth at the camp store (CazBah) with soda and candy once per day. It will be a big bonus to go into Chestertown on Thursday to get a real shower and have an air-conditioned dinner in the Washington College cafeteria.

Every day has so much going on that it is hard to convey the full breadth and depth of the E* experience. We are very grateful to the many dads who are spending time here mentoring the boys, helping with food duty and assisting with necessary chores.

If you have any questions, please send me an email. I will be here the 2-weeks. Your sons would love to have you visit on Visitors Sunday (11:00AM to 4:00PM). Often parents will bring some clean clothes, will take their son out to lunch (Waterman’s in Rock Hall is a favorite) and pick up some supplies (bug spray, and a replacement for the toothbrush that never quite made it to Camp in the first place).

I will try to send an update email every few days. It is a joy to walk through learning experiences with the boys.

Charles Edwards

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
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