1) Now that we've joined, what do we do? 

Check the calendar for upcoming events and start showing up! You should be receiving the weekly Thursday email that covers everything you need to know.

2) Are moms and dads encouraged to participate?

Absolutely! Troop 35 has a long history of both fathers and mothers serving in essential support and leadership positions . Since many parents are involved, it allows us to have our own summer camp with plenty of supervision. We can offer a variety of merit badges because we have many adults certified in different vocations. Moms and dads help plan, oversee, or attend meetings, field trips, cookouts, etc., and everyone gets involved with our 40-mile hike!

3) How many campouts do we have? 

We have 6 Overnights (OVs) each year: 3 in the fall and 3 in the spring. We have a fall and spring OV that are family campouts – the more the merrier (moms, dads, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, just not the family pet)!

The rest of our OVs (sleeping portion) are male-only. Moms are encouraged to spend the day at these events, if they choose, and our female Assistant Scoutmasters can camp. Our reason is mission-based. Every aspect of our program is to develop people of empathy and authenticity. We have found that our older scouts enjoy these few weekends a year to be together as a group in a single-sex environment.

Since Troop 35 is a community of different families, many of our Scouts may not have active participation in their lives by a father. In no way does this exclude participation. In fact, typically 50 percent of our Scouts at any of our OVs attend without a parent. We coordinate carpools to campouts, too, to make it easier on busy families, and Scouts help each other set up at campouts.

Troop 35 adheres to all BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT) rules, and every leader is YPT-certified. Scouts may not share a tent with an adult but may share tents with other Scouts. At our two-week E-Star summer camp, adults must stay in their own section. Parents are only allowed into the Patrol camp sites for set-up the first day, during emergencies, on Visitor’s Day and for take-down on the last day.

Scouts supply their own camping and hiking equipment. There are a few OVs each year for which Scouts will need to bring their own food. This need not be elaborate, and trust us, no Scout has ever starved on a camping trip.

4) Do Scouts have to attend every activity? 

Scouts are encouraged to go because they can earn merit badges, meet new people, and have a great time. We allow for schedule flexibility, and no one is expected to participate in every event. To advance in rank, it is important to attend at least 50 percent of activities.

5) When and where are Scout meetings held? 

Meetings are held Fridays, from 7:30 – 9:30 PM, at the Church of Redeemer, from September through June. . These are called "on-base" meetings, since the church is our base. If we have a nearby field trip on that Friday Night, we may start a little earlier.

Church of the Redeemer is located at of the corner of Charles and Melrose St. Enter and park on the Melrose (northern) side. One weekend per month is an “Open” weekend with no Scouting activities.

6) What about uniforms?

Our Scouts and leaders wear uniforms for Awards Banquets and ceremonies, but not for meetings and most outings. We have found that many of the older boys aren’t too excited  about wearing a uniform. In the interest of supporting the active involvement of older adolescents, we go casual most of the time, following the T-35 principle of “ you can’t influence a boy who isn’t there”.  It’s a tradition that has held, but one that, in no way, diminishes the passion our Scouts have for Scouting. (When Scouts wear their uniform, we require the Scout shirt, proper insignia, scarf, and neckerchief, but not Scout pants, belt, socks or hat.)

7) How do I earn Merit Badges?

a) Get the Boy Scout Merit Badge book and check out the requirements (books are available at Hi- Levels) or go to www.meritbadge.com to review the requirements.
b) Get the name of the counselor that counsels the badge you want to get. Counselors can be found at our on-line Merit Badge Counselor listing or ask an ASM.
c) Work on requirements at home and at Hi- Levels. The counselors may provide assistance.

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059 support@trooptrack.com
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved